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作者: 来源: 阅读次数: 日期:2024-11-08



报告1On isomorphisms of Cayley digraphs and bi-Cayley graphs  


内容简介:Let m be a positive integer. A group G is said to be an m-DCI-group or an m-BCI-group if G has the k-DCI property or k-BCI property for all positive integers k at most m, respectively. Begun with a conjecture proposed by Adam in 1967, finite m-DCI-groups have been extensively studied for over fifty years. Subsequently, finite m-BCI-groups has also been extensively studied by scholars. In this talk, we discuss some isomorphic problems of Cayley digraphs and bi-Cayley graphs over some given groups.

报告2A complete classification of shuffle groups


内容简介:For positive integers k and n, the shuffle group Gk,kn is generated by the k! permutations of a deck of kn cards performed by cutting the deck into k piles with n cards in each pile, and then perfectly interleaving these cards following a certain permutation of the k piles. In this talk, we present a complete classification of shuffle groups and discuss several conjectures and open problems.